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Who Are We

Who Are We

Faughanvale Presbyterian Church is situated on the old coach road on the outskirts of Eglinton, a fast-growing village about 7 miles from Londonderry. The Church is set on a hill with a marvellous view over the City of Derry Airport to the Donegal hills and has a congregation of around 300 families. Although the current Church was built in 1894, the congregation dates back to 1730. 

Today we seek to continue to share the gospel which has been proclaimed here for generations. 

Our Mission

As Christians we have come into a relationship with God – but that relationship brings responsibilities:

- The responsibility of stewardship towards all God has given us

- The responsibility of action – living lives changed by the Gospel

- The responsibility of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ

- We have to take on the responsibility ourselves – we can’t expect other people/churches/congregations to take on our responsibilities

- We have a responsibility to act in humility

- The responsibility to communicate God’s message, through teaching, educating, influencing and baptising

- As we accept our responsibilities, we believe that we will see God at work and so we pray that His will may be accomplished in our midst.


Rev Lindsay Blair has been the Minister here since 2004. Originally from outside Coleraine he previously served in Clogher and Glenhoy Churches in the Clogher Valley in Co Tyrone and in Ballygowan, Co. Down.

Claire Hinchliff is our Youth Worker, working in a joint position shared with our neighbouring Church of Ireland Parish of St Canices in Eglinton.


Faughanvale Presbyterian Church
Killylane Road
Co Londonderry
BT47 3DW


(028) 71810255